Private Pilot Syllabus
Below is a list of the lessons, they may not all be completed in one flight lesson.
Flight Lessons
{1 Dual}{2 Dual}{3
Dual}{4 Dual}{5 Dual}{6
Dual}{7 Dual}{8 Dual}{9
Pre-Solo Check/Dual}{10 Dual/Solo}
{11 Dual/Solo}{12 Dual}{13
Dual}{14 Dual}{15 Solo}{16
Dual}{17 Solo}
{18 Solo}{19 Solo}{20
Dual}{21 Night/Dual}{22 XC/Dual}
{23 XC/Solo}{24 XC/Solo}{25
Night XC/Dual}
{26 Night XC/Solo}{27 Dual}{28
Checkride Practice/Solo}
{29 - Simulated Flight Check/Dual}{30
- Final Progress Check/Dual}
Flight Lesson 8
Practice in the Pattern and Pre-Solo Written - Dual
Dual 1.0 Hour (all approximate)
Pre/Postflight 1.0 Hour (all approximate)
The student will acquire more proficiency in takeoffs and landings.
1. Normal takeoffs and landings.
2. Crosswind takeoffs and landings.
3. Emergency go-arounds (minimum 3)
4. Aborted takeoffs (minimum 3)
5. Pre-solo written on 14 CFR 61, 91, airplane systems and performance.
Grade: __________
Completion Standards:
80% minimum on pre-solo written, Pattern (Altitude) +/-100 feet, Airspeed
+/-5 knots, Heading +/-10 degrees,
takeoffs and landings perfromed unassisted.