ICAO Meteorological Aerodrome Report (METAR)
METARs are issued worldwide to report aviation
weather. They are the equivalent of an SA report. METARS
are issued hourly in some locations, but only three or
six hourly in others.
Each METAR is a series of groups arranged in a
specific order. Each contains information regarding
wind, visibility, runway visual range (optional),
weather, cloud cover, temperature, dewpoint and sea
level pressure. A trend forecast may at times be
included, but is optional. Supplemental data is supplied
in a plain language format, if needed.
The generic format for a METAR is:
dddff(f)KT(dddVddd) VVVVVSM
RDrDr/VrVrVrVrFT ww
NNNhhh or VVhhh or SKC/CLR
Where: METAR is the routine (scheduled) report
and SPECI is the non-routine (unscheduled) report
CCCC is the ICAO identifier
YYGGggZ is the day, hour and minute of the report
AUTO or COR is the type of station report. AUTO is a
fully automated station with NO human intervention
COR indicates a correction to a previous report
dddff(f)GfffKT(dddVddd) is the wind direction, speed
and gusts. (dddVddd) is used if the wind Varies by 60
degrees or more and the speed is greater than 6kts
VVVVVSM is the visibility in Statute Miles
RDrDr/VrVrVrVrFT is the runway visual range in
hundreds of feet
ww is present weather
NNNhhh is the cloud amount (FEW, SCT, BKN or OVC) and
height of the base in hundreds of feet
The cloud type may be added manually, e.g. TCU
VVhhh would represent Vertical Visibility in hundreds
of feet, or SKC/CLR is used for Clear conditions
TT is the temperature in whole degrees Celsius
Sub-zero readings are prefixed with an M
TdTd is the dewpoint temperature in whole degrees
APPPP is the altimeter in inches of mercury
RMK Remarks that could include, Automated, Manual,
Plain language, Additive and Maintenance Data
KDFW 111753Z VRB03KT 10SM CLR 19/12 A3025 RMK A02
SLP240 T01890117 10189 20067 58002=
KCLE 111806Z 24013KT 10SM SCT024 BKN029 00/MO4 A3026
The format for decoding METARs is therefore as
A. Type of Report
B. Station identifier
C. Date
and Time of observation
D. Report Modifier
E. Wind
direction and speed (knots)
F. Visibility in
G. RVR in feet
H. Present weather (from
table below)
I. Sky Condition
Temperature/dewpoint group in Celsius
K. Altimeter in
L. Remarks
Expanding on these items:
A. Reports are either METAR for routine observations,
or SPECI for non-routine (special) observations.
B. Station identifiers are all 4 character ICAO
C. Time of observation is always in UTC (formerly
D. Report modifier will be AUTO if fully automated
with no human input. COR will indicate a correction.
E. True wind direction in tens of degrees using three
digits. Speed is reported in whole knots, using two or
three digits. Gusts (G)are appending to the speed if
required. Group ends with KT to indicate knots. MS would
indicate meters/sec. If wind direction varies by 60
degrees or more, and the speed is > 6 kts, a variable
wind group is reported, e.g. 180V250. Direction may be
reported VRB if speed is < or equal to 6 kts, e.g.
VRB05KT. Calm winds are reported 00000KT.
F. Visibility is in Statute Miles (SM) or meters (M).
Group will end with SM if in statute miles. A space
divides whole miles and fractions. For AUTO only; M
prefixed to value <1/4 mile, e.g. M1/4SM.
G. Runway visual range in hundreds of feet. This is
reported when the prevailing visibility is less than or
equal to 1 statute mile, or the RVR is < or equal to
6000ft. The group ends with FT to signify feet. For
example, R06L/2000FT means RVR on runway 06 Left is 2000
feet. The RVR value may be prefixed with M or P to
indicate the reading is below (M), or above (P) the
reported value, e.g. R06L/P6000Ft means the RVR is about
6000FT. If the RVR is variable during the 10 minute
evaluation period, the variability is reported, e.g.
H. Present weather (other than obscurations)
occurring at the station are reported in the body of the
METAR. Obscurations are reported if the visibility <
7 miles. Weather is reported in order of decreasing
dominance. Automated stations can only report RA, SN,
UP, FG, BR, FZFG, HZ, SQ without augmentation. The
following table lists the codes for present weather
types. A maximum of three groups will be reported.
Qualifier for Intensity:
- Light
Moderate (no sign)
+ Heavy
VC In the Vicinity (0SM to 10SM for precipitation,
and 5SM to 10SM for non-precipitation)
MI |
Shallow |
PI |
Partial |
BC |
Patches |
DR |
Low Drifting |
BL |
Blowing |
SH |
Shower(s) |
TS |
Thunderstorm |
FZ |
Freezing |
DZ |
Drizzle |
RA |
Rain |
SN |
Snow |
SG |
Snow Grains |
IC |
Ice Crystals |
PL |
Ice Pellets |
GR |
Hail |
GS |
Small hail/Snow Pellets |
UP |
Unknown precipitation |
BR |
Mist (visibility 5/8 statute miles or
more) |
FG |
Fog (visibility 1/2 mile or less) |
FU |
Smoke |
VA |
Volcanic Ash |
DU |
Widespread Dust |
SA |
Sand |
HZ |
Haze |
PY |
Spray |
Other phenomena:
PO |
Well-developed Dust/Sand Whirls |
SQ |
Squalls |
FC |
Funnel Cloud, (+FC for Tornado, or
Waterspout) |
SS |
Sandstorm |
DS |
Duststorm |
I. Cloud group in the form NCChhh, where NNN is
either FEW, SCT, BKN, or OVC to indicate cloud coverage.
The term is immediately followed by the cloud height in
hundreds of feet. The amount of coverage for each term
in eights is listed below. CLR at automated stations
means no clouds detected below 12,000 feet.
SKC or CLR 0/8
FEW >0 - 2/8
SCT 3/8 - 4/8
BKN 5/8 -<8/8
OVC 8/8
At manual stations, CB or TCU may be appended to the
cloud height if observed.
Vertical Visibility (VV) is reported in hundreds of
feet for an indefinite ceiling, e.g. VV002. Surface
obscuration reported using amount (FEW, SCT, etc),
followed by 000, e.g. SCT000.
Note for International METAR reports:
The word CAVOK can be used to replace the groups
VVVVVSM RDD/VVVVFT ww NNNhhh when the following
conditions apply:
Visibility 10 km or more
No clouds below 1500
No cumulonimbus clouds
No precipitation,
thunderstorm, shallow fog or low drifting snow
J. The temperature/dewpoint group follows next
TT being the air temperature in degrees
TdTd being the dewpoint temperature in
degrees Celsius
Sub-zero values are prefixed with an
M, e.g., 03/M02.
K. The altimeter reading is prefixed with A
indicating altimeter in inches of mercury. It is
reported using four digits; tens, units, tenths, and
hundredths of an inch of mercury, e.g., A2990.
L. Remarks (RMK) are divided into two categories.
1) Automated, Manual (Augmented), Plain Language
(Manual only).
2) Additive and Automated Maintenance
The following describes the order in which remarks
are reported.
Automated, Manual, Plain Language Remarks
Volcanic Eruption
Tornadic Activity
Type of Automated station (A01, A02)
Peak Wind (PK WND)
Windshift (WSHFT)
Frontal passage (FROPA)
Tower Visibility (TWR VIS)
Surface Visibility (SFC VIS)
Variable Prevailing Visibility (VIS)
Sector Visibility (VIS [DIR])
Visibility at 2nd location (VIS [LOC])
Lightning location and frequency (LTG)
Begin/end of precipitation
Begin/end of thunderstorm
Thunderstorm location
Hailstone size
Virga observation
Variable ceiling height (CIG)
Variable Sky Conditions
Significant Cloud Types
Ceiling height at 2nd location
Pressure Rising/Falling Rapidly (PRESRR, PRESFR)
Sea Level Pressure (SLP)
Aircraft Mishap (ACFT MSHP)
No specific reports taken (NOSPECI)
Snow increasing rapidly (SNINCR inches-hr/inches on
Other significant information (agency specific, e.g.
Additive and Automated Maintenance Data
Hourly precipitation amount (Prrrr)
a trace is P000
3- and 6-Hour precipitation amount (6RRRR)
24-Hour precipitation amount (7RRRR)
Snow depth on ground (4/sss)
Water equivalent of snow on ground (933RRR)
Cloud Type (8/CCC)
Duration of sunshine (98mmm)
Hourly Temperature and Dewpoint (TsnTTTsnTdTdTd)
sn=0 if T> 0.0C; sn=1 if T <0.0C
6-Hour maximum temperature (1snTTT)
6-Hour minimum temperature (2snTTT)
24-Hour Maximum/minimum temperature (4snTTTsnTTT)
3-Hour pressure tendency (5appp)
Sensor status indicators:
Maintenance Check Indicator: $
If an element or phenomena does not occur, is
missing, or cannot be observed, the corresponding group
and space are omitted (main body or remarks), except for
Sea Level Pressure (SLPppp), 3-, 6-, and 24-Hour
precipitation groups. At designated stations, SLPNO
shall be reported in a METAR when the SLP is not
Other contractions that may appear in
International METARs as part of the trend
INTER meaning intermittent (same as occasional in US
TEMPO meaning temporary (same as brief in US
GRADU..a gradual change over a period greater
than 1/2 hour
RAPID..a rapid change over a period
less than 1/2 hour
FRONT..same as RAPID>
Other abbreviations
RE...followed by a weather type indicates its
occurrence within the past hour
WX NIL..the end of
thunderstorms or freezing precipitation SKC..sky is
becoming clear
PROB..probability of conditions
occurring (in percent)
NOSIG..no elements are
expected to change in such a way as to require a change
to be indicated.